Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Audacity Work

This is a mash up of nine classic Christmas songs! I picked to do Christmas songs because they always cheer me up and get me in a holiday mood. Hopefully just in time for the holidays! Click below to listen :)

Image Citation:
"Christmas Tree Nature Wallpaper." Free Christmas Wallpapers. Web. 20 Dec. 2011. <http://www.freechristmaswallpapers.net/wallpaper/Christmas-Tree-Nature/>.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Student Summit

    Now that we are almost finished with the Flat Classroom Project I realized I've learned a lot of lessons and tools to take from this. The first valuable lesson I learned was that communication is key. It wasn't just needed to make this project to work correctly but I can also take that skill and apply it to school or work and hopefully even in the future. Another valuable thing I learned was how to communicate online. I think in the future this will be a very good tool to have considering technology is getting easier to use and is being used more frequently to communicate every day. It is most likely something I will need in college and beyond. The last lesson I learned was that the World really is coming increasingly flat without us even noticing it happening. I think this is something important for myself and others to know because if I have an idea or thought I need to jump on that idea and do it because if I don't someone across the World will come up with the same thing days later. This brings us back to the central idea of the World is Flat, what can be done will be done, but the question is will it be done by you or someone else?
   Looking back at this project their were a lot of things I enjoyed but their were also a lot of struggles and frustrations. What I enjoyed was that we all got our own ning and that's how you got to know everyone in your group. You could share things like pictures, videos, and music. You can talk to other people in a easy way that was fun for us. It was just like having a Facebook and it was something most of us knew how to use without having many questions. The negative side of this project was that there was a lot of work behind it all for everyone, not just the students but teachers too. In the end I just feel like it was a lot of work and it was especially frustrating when group members would not talk or not participate in the research we had to do. If I could change anything it would be helpful websites the teachers have picked out because I feel as though my topic was very odd, difficult to understand, and hard to find information on.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Big Little Classroom

1. I think it is called Big Little Classroom because even though the school they go to is in a rural area and very small they can make it seem big by using Skype and conferencing to other schools and people around the World, this makes it feel like they are visiting these people and learning new things outside their own area.
2. They used video conferencing and Skype to talk to the classrooms and people around the World. The students also used a technology called elluminate and it lets them all be on the same page and ask questions to the person they are conferencing and the whole class can see the question and answer.
3. The teacher would tweet and would sometimes find people like the writer from New York who was willing to Skype with the class and teach them new things. She also found other classes like the class from Malaysia who also was looking for a classroom to share things with. The class in Malaysia showed them cultural things like the shopping, events they put on for their leaving princpal, music, and books.
4. I think this could be true because students could be more engaged having experiences with people around the World that most students do not get to have.
5. I think it is important to make real-time connections because it is more engaging and I also think it can help you learn more then just reading it out of a text book. It is also nice to be able to communicate with someone who lives far away while you're working on a project with them because it is just more convenient.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Is the World flat?

     After hearing about this World is flat idea I have really opened my eyes to what is going on around the World. This technology revolution happened so fast a lot of people have not even realized it has happened. I've realized I'm not just competing with kids in the United States anymore...I'm competing with everyone in the World and it is kind of a scary idea. We all now have access to the same downloads and have the capability to upload too and I think a lot of us have not realized that it isn't just the U.S. being able to do this anymore. I really like to think about the idea that whatever can be done will but the only real question is will it be done to you or by you? This idea comes from The World Is Flat bookTo me this idea means that if I do not use my imagination, I have no chance in this changing World, but if i do use it and come with an idea on my own and really go through with that idea whether it is horrible or a great idea, someone else will think of the same idea one second later because the playing field has really become flat.  
    I also learned about how the 19th century belonged to Britain, the 20th century belonged to America, and this 21st century will go to whoever can solve this clean energy crisis. In order for American to win this and catch up in this economic race we will need a major disruption to start this green revolution. Who will start this revolution off you ask? A leader the people will put into office who will make major changes and start this major disruption and hopefully then we can say that the 21st century will belong to the United States too. Either way though as long as this problem gets solved people should be happy. 
    Starting this project I have mixed feelings. I'm excited to meet new people and learn about their life and their everyday routine. I think the actual project will be a little complicated and I hope I'll be able to learn how to use all the tools quickly. Overall though I'm ready to meet new people and ready to start some hard work on this project! Let's get started!

Friday, September 16, 2011

David After the Dentist

I like this video because its really funny and it kind of reminds me of when I got my wisdom teeth pulled. I couldnt stop laughing or singing and my parents wanted to take a video but I wouldnt let them but now that I look back on it I wish I wouldve let them because maybe then I couldve been a YouTube hit like David.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Microsoft OneNote 2010

   These days a lot of new and high tech ways to take notes are coming out. Instead of using a pen and paper people are using phones, ipads, laptops, and regular computers to take and save their notes. Most of these note taking softwares are becoming extremly popular and being used everday. But what makes these note taking softwares better then normal note taking? Everything. OneNote 2010 by Microsoft is one of these new note taking softwares that is gaining attention everyday.
   Their are tons of things you can do on OneNote 2010 that you could not do in regular notes. Personally my favorite feature is the insert photo clipping option. You can take pictures, graphs, or even words off a website and it automatically is put into your notes with the url. This can be really helpful for a research paper where you need to go back and cite your sources. I also like the icons feature on OneNote 2010 because you can use the icons they have for you like check mark boxes or important icons and if you dont like those you can make your own too! You can also change the template, this is the backround or way the page youre taking notes on is set up. If none of the OneNote templates are what you need or want you can easily create your own and save it so you can use it again and again. They also have shapes, arrows, and tables that you can quickly put into your notes or take out.
   Another nice feature it has is you can create different notebooks for diffrent classes or things in your life. They are all saved on tabs and you can change the color, name, and font of the notebooks. These notebooks are easy to share with others and also very easy to make. This keeps you very organized and on tasks. You also do not have to worry about forgetting to save because it automatically does it for you. Automatically saving is something new that I have not experienced with other microsoft programs before. If I had to reccomend a note taking software I would without a doubt choose Microsoft OneNote 2010 for anything you need to take notes on or even just something for a little reminder.

Friday, September 2, 2011

My fav 3 websites!

There are many websites out there and they are all interesting and fun! my top three are...
1. http://www.snapfish.com/
2. http://www.victoriassecret.com/
3. http://www.sporacle.com/
Snapfish is a great place to store your pictures! If your worried about them getting erased off your camera or not having enough room on your camera you can easily upload them to your own account on snapfish where they will be saved until you need them. I like Victorias Secrets website because i can look at all the pretty clothes that are in the store and also a lot of things you can only get online from them. Sporacle is a fun trivia like website that is fun for everyone!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

About Me

Hey! My names Mackenzie Hyde and im taking DigiTools at Valley High School. In class were learning how to use different technology to help us in our learning and in life. I enjoy spending time with family and friends. One of my favorite things to do is go to the Lake of the Ozarks! I like boating and laying out in the sun getting super tan! I have two cats and two dogs. Pepper and Shuttle are my cats and Geronimo and Molly are my dogs. I like animals and someday want to have a dalmatian of my own. I also enjoy music and like all types of music. Im very open to new music and like finding new songs on my own. I someday want to be a history teacher and teach high school kids. I also plan on staying in Iowa as of right now.